31 May 2007

Gimme your Stuff

Gimme Your Stuff

This blog serves as a platform for the members to swap their stuffs with the other members on the planet. Every member will be the ambassadors for their own country. So through the blog members can contact each other if they're interested for swaps. I saw lots of people are having good time here so Im going to give it a shoot :)

I can offer :
Local snacks / candies
Local tea leaves / tea bag / hotdrinks
Postcard/ Stamps / coins
Kawaii Stationary / Letter set

I can also make :
Amigurumi Click
Earrings / Bracelet / Necklace
Felt pin / brooch
Handmade card

I would love :
Something handmade by you
Crafts magazine
Yarn / Ribbon/ Lace / Button / Fabric / Linen / Beads
Tote bag / Coin Purse
Snack / Candies
Stamps / Postcard
Handmade soap

If you are interested, You are welcome to contact me : pf_gan[at]yahoo.com